Master program Law
CPC participates in two specializations in the Dutch Master program Law:
- Construction Law (Bouwrecht)
- Government and Lawyer (Jurist en Overheid)
The Master program Law allows students to opt for the following courses which are related to our research:
- Public Procurement Law (Aanbestedingsrecht)
- Planning and Environmental Law (Omgevingsrecht)
- Government and Public Law (Overheid en privaatrecht)
- Government and Liability Law (Overheid en aansprakelijkheid)
- Advanced Construction Law (Verdieping Bouwrecht)
- Advanced Contract Law (Verdieping Contractenrecht)
- Advanced Constitutional and Administrative Law (Verdieping staats- en bestuursrecht; wetgevingsleer)
Master Thesis
Students may write their Master Thesis on subjects related to the research expertise of CPC (view Dutch list of possible thesis subjects).